Occasionally, a deity may grant a particularly effective leader the powers of a suzerain as a reward. Whatever their paths to leadership, those who show the greatest promise in such roles garner the attention of gods. Thus, the owner can lift or place the rod wherever he wishes, push the button, and let go.Some are simply born to lead others seize the moment and rise to greatness. When the button is pushed (a move action), the rod does not move from where it is, even if staying in place defies gravity. This rod looks like a flat iron bar with a small button on one end. Price 5,000 gp Aura moderate transmutation CL 10th Weight 5 lbs. Removing the rod from the ground and deactivating it requires the same type of action as anchoring it.Ĭraft Rod, dispel magic, lightning bolt, resist energy All creatures within this radius gain resistance 5 to electricity, and anyone attempting to cast a spell with the electricity descriptor must make a caster level check (DC 16) or lose the spell. Once anchored, the rod emits a field that inhibits electrical charges within a 40-foot radius. Three times per day, the spiked end can be driven into sand, mud, or loose earth as a move action, into dense soil or loose gravel as a standard action, or into stone or harder materials as a full-round action.

This 6-foot-long silver rod is capped with a copper ball at one end, and a multipronged iron spike at the other.

Price 12,000 gp Aura faint abjuration CL 5th Weight 10 lbs.
Each time an ignited foe takes damage from a melee attack, it takes and additional 1d10 fire damage.įurthermore, once per day, as a free action, after hitting a foe with this rod, the wielder can surround the target of that attack with the nimbus, which has the same effect as the nimbus created by a confirmed critical hit.Ĭraft Wondrous Item, flame blade, flame strike or fireball, fairy fire While the nimbus does not burn the target, it responds to melee attacks made against that foe. This illuminates the target as the faerie fire spell. Furthermore, when the rod confirms a critical hit, not only does it deal the extra damage from the flaming burst special ability, a nimbus of cold blue flames ignites the target for 1d4 rounds. This rod functions as a +1 flaming burst light mace. Price 22,305 gp Aura moderate evocation CL 6th Weight 3 lbs. Three times per day, when the wielder hits a creature with this rod, as long as the target of this attack is standing on stone or earth, the wielder can attempt to entangle that creature (Fortitude DC 18 negates) for 1d4 rounds. An earthbind rod functions like a +1 light mace, and it grants its wielder a +4 circumstance bonus to its CMD against bull rush, grapple, overrun, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers, but only if the wielder is an oread, has the earth subtype, or is standing on earth or stone. This rod's magic interacts with stone or earth to both steady its wielder and anchor creatures the rod touches. This rod looks like nothing more than a large, strange sliver of rough granite. Price 26,500 gp Aura moderate transmutation CL 6th Weight 5 lbs. Once per day as a free action, when the wielder of a conduit rod casts a spell with the electricity descriptor, she can teleport anywhere that spell's effect, but is otherwise unaffected by the spell.Ĭraft Rod, dimension door, lightning bolt, resist energy While a creature holds a conduit rod, she gains electricity resistance 5 as a constant effect as well as a +1 bonus to her effective caster level when casting any spell with the electricity descriptor. This stout, dense rod is always constructed of highly conductive metal, shot through with weblike veins of white or yellow glass. Price 12,000 gp Aura moderate abjuration CL 12th Weight 5 lbs. Metamagic Rods: Rods in this special category hold the power to grant metamagic feats to a wielder's spells. Rods with charges can never be intelligent.

Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes. A 01 result indicates the rod is intelligent, 02–31 indicates that something (a design, inscription, or the like) provides a clue to its function, and 32– 100 indicates no special qualities. See the individual descriptions for specifics. Unless noted otherwise, you must be holding a rod to use its abilities. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs because of their hardy construction.) These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27.Īctivation: Details relating to rod use vary from item to item. They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal.

Physical Description: Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds. Rods are scepterlike devices that have unique magical powers and usually do not have charges.